Current and regular events in Trenčín

Wondering where to go for culture? On this site you can find a brief overview of the most interesting cultural and social events taking place in Trenčín and its surroundings. One of the great advantages of the historic Hotel Elizabeth is its exceptional and attractive location right below the Medieval castle, within walking distance from the centre of Trenčín.

The season of cultural events in Trenčín is opened by the Trenčín Majáles (Spring Celebration), which is connected with traditional erecting of the maypole and celebrations in Mierové Square. The most significant event in Trenčín is the popular multi-genre POHODA festival, taking place in early July on the Trenčín airport, visited by 30,000 people every year.

In summer, musical picnics on the lawn are taking place every Friday, with a relaxed family atmosphere. Sunday afternoons are dedicated to concerts and kids' theatre in the square. The beginning of September usually belongs to the folklore festival called Pri Trenčianskej bráne (At the Trenčín Gate), including the traditional arts and crafts market. In the pre-Christmas period, families, friends and acquaintances meet in the Mierové Square to enjoy the Christmas atmosphere and the festival called Čaro Vianoc pod hradom (The Magic of Christmas under the Castle). Of course, this also includes the welcome of St. Nicholas, Christmas performances of the carol singers, cooking the traditional sauerkraut soup and arts and crafts market with original Christmas presents.